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      08-15-2023, 02:46 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by cotmfk View Post
Maybe something I will work on in the future -thank you - I usually try to work on one thing at a time. Theory of continuous improvement.

nono, you must do this to cut your sugar intake. Sugar and salt go hand in hand. Have you ever wondered why salted caramel is good? Or people like peanut butter pretzels? Honey roasted peanuts? Because the combo is tasty. Moreover, your body learns to crave one with the other. Don't trust me? Eat a very salt heavy meal and see how quickly your body is asking for a sweet treat. Candy, cookies, whatever.

You back off the salt and your sweet cravings drop as well.

Originally Posted by cotmfk View Post
So, I am looking at the sugar content on the foods I am eating. Sugar is in a LOT of stuff. But, I am finding some things where it is not as big in it. Also focusing on no sugar added products and trying to find "low sugar" versions where I can (a lot of those end up being the same product, minus the extra added sugar - aka- ketchup). I found the no sugar buffalo wing sauce actually cooks better (less sticky) and I can get the wings to be crispier. Pretty cool.

As far as results, it's pretty early in the process for me, but I'm down from 175-176 to 171-173. So, some early gains (losses haha).
That's most likely water loss due to a healthier diet / lower salt intake. Remember, there is no magic bullet. In order to lose 1 lb of fat your must burn an extra 3,500 calories over what you intake. Now, the amount of calories you burn depends on a lot of thigns: your overall metabolism, how much sleep you got, how stressed you are, your exercise patterns, etc. But by in large you're not moving your base calorie intake enough to drop 15,000 calories worth of fat quickly.

Having said that...the drop in even water weight indicates you're off to a good start and you're eliminating crap from your diet. Keep it up! And when you want a treat, do moderation! Remember, if you are really looking to make a change, this isn't a diet. It's a lifestyle change. Which means it must be sustainable in the long term. And that's not going to happen if you hate what you eat.
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