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      07-05-2021, 09:12 AM   #9
Lieutenant Colonel

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I'm really sorry to hear/read this. Is the pup hurting badly w/ no or little reprieve? Do the meds have significant side effects that make your pup not themself? If so, and your pup does not seem content or at ease, it is time for your furry friend to move on. Like with people, it's all about quality of life. They'll never forget you nor you them and the memories forged and time together should be cherished and not tainted by prolonging any suffering the pup is going through. It's hard on them as well as you and your wife.

I know this is a tough one, though, and it is easy to play arm chair quarterback. We had a big scare this whole weekend with one of our dogs and worried his time had prematurely come. Thankfully, it did not but it was a sobering reminder of how finite time is.

I wish you all the best in this tough time.
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