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      07-16-2017, 09:25 AM   #617
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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
I have. And that's helped some. Still, the pain is right along the centerline of my crotch, not in my sit bones. It feels like I'm sitting on a 1" diameter steel rod. My current saddle has cut-outs and helps a bit with that, but it still causes some serious discomfort. The C-17 is all rubber and flexes everywhere, so I'm praying it'll help. We'll see.
Sees counter intuitive, but... getting a saddle that doesn't have much padding might be the answer. Sometimes when a saddle has too much padding it can bunch and also grab your chamois. When this happens the extra padding ends up right in the centerline of the crotch.

My mtb came with a cushy rubber saddle and if i wore tight underwear and well fitting shorts it was, OK. If i wore a chamois and baggies over them, it was horrible. So i switched it with a flatter saddle and stuck with the chamois i knew worked for me in the past.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      07-16-2017, 09:52 PM   #618
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You need a wider saddle. Get one that hits you in the sit bones. From the images a C17 looks to be a fairly wide saddle, it might do the job well for you.
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      07-17-2017, 01:46 PM   #619

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My Trek dealer has a device to measure the width of your sit bones. I got a medium Bontrager which is perfect especially on longer rides.
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      07-18-2017, 10:57 AM   #620
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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
Just ordered a Brooks C-17 saddle. LBS owner rides with one and recommends it. I'm on my 3rd saddle from them and I'm still limited to an hour of riding because of the pain. Really beginning to piss me off. I should be able to ride for 2 hours at least at this point. I wish the LBS had Brooks saddles in stock for me to test, but since I ordered it through Amazon, I should be able to return it if it turns out to be a nightmare. But from what I've read, it's a pretty comfy long distance saddle. Fingers crossed.
All of the guys at my hipster LBS all use them. They're great for extended days in the saddle, which a lot of these guys will do 150-200mi days.

I just ordered the C-13 for the CX bike I'm building up, fingers crossed.
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      07-18-2017, 02:35 PM   #621

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Originally Posted by itrsteve View Post
All of the guys at my hipster LBS all use them. They're great for extended days in the saddle, which a lot of these guys will do 150-200mi days.

I just ordered the C-13 for the CX bike I'm building up, fingers crossed.
At my age if I rode 150-200 miles I would need a new set of nuts.
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      07-18-2017, 09:43 PM   #622
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Originally Posted by Rayscott View Post
At my age if I rode 150-200 miles I would need a new set of nuts.
I'll be happy when I can do 20 without being in pain.

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      07-19-2017, 06:44 AM   #623

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Thought I'd share this pile of heaven I landed on. I love this thing, 2014 Cervelo s3. Came with a power meter and di2. I dont think I can go back to mechanical shifting, di2 is that reliable and fast.

the bike, needless to say, is incredibly fast, much more than I am. The difference is like driving my x5 vs my m3, I am astonished. I am 3mph faster on average, and hills, while they still crush me, feel easier. Its actually not comfortable to be at a cruising pace, its less pressure on my body to be tucked down and moving. When I try to sit up and stay at a 14-15mph pace I get numb. If I drop lower and maintain 18-20mph its like im floating.
my favorite part is sprinting. I can only last around 30-45secs tho LOL. going from a slow start to a ball out effort and the bike grabs and launches, its really amazing.
Now, to get the old pistons in shape better.. hehe.
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Mr Tonka6063.50
      07-19-2017, 08:36 AM   #624
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^^^^Very sweet.

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      07-19-2017, 12:28 PM   #625
///M Power-Belgium
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"Some legs from the Tour de France"

While we all know epo, aranesp and growth hormons (HGH) are banned and can be detected I expect another doping scandal somewhere on the horizon !

The average speeds from the todays Tour de France are even higher than in the epo era , even in the France extreme hot temperatures .

Of course we realize the cat and mouse game goes on...
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      07-19-2017, 04:28 PM   #626
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Got my C-17 saddle today. I'll mount it and give it a test ride tonight.

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      07-20-2017, 05:34 AM   #627
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Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium View Post
"Some legs from the Tour de France"

While we all know epo, aranesp and growth hormons (HGH) are banned and can be detected I expect another doping scandal somewhere on the horizon !

The average speeds from the todays Tour de France are even higher than in the epo era , even in the France extreme hot temperatures .

Of course we realize the cat and mouse game goes on...
Yes but in the EPO days, they didn't have the technological advances that we do today.

Low rolling resistance tyres
Aero frames
Hidden brakes
Hidden cables
Aero helmets
Aero wheels
Tighter fitting jerseys/ski suits with aerodynamic materials
Power meters to aid with more effective training
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      07-20-2017, 08:22 AM   #628
///M Power-Belgium
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Originally Posted by Stoo View Post
Yes but in the EPO days, they didn't have the technological advances that we do today.

Low rolling resistance tyres
Aero frames
Hidden brakes
Hidden cables
Aero helmets
Aero wheels
Tighter fitting jerseys/ski suits with aerodynamic materials
Power meters to aid with more effective training
Of course the technologie never stops , but if we look how much watt they can push in test centers ?
This has nothing to do with technologie , this power comes straight from the legs ...
And if you look closely at the legs above... that was not technologie , that was medical preparation called doping !
I rode years in the Belgian competition , I was not good enough to win but I drove with guys who later wore the yellow and green jersey in the Tour the France !
I saw enough things and know things ... And I can tell you that no one was ever clean in the TDF .
The TDF ....We are talking about 21 days my friend !
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      07-20-2017, 08:40 AM   #629
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Originally Posted by Stoo View Post
Yes but in the EPO days, they didn't have the technological advances that we do today.
One of the biggest changes I see is cadence and gearing. They have 32s on the back these days and aren't slugging away at the pedals like they used to. Smarter riding.

Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium View Post
I saw enough things and know things ... And I can tell you that no one was ever clean in the TDF .
The TDF ....We are talking about 21 days my friend !
What do you think of this documentary? Do you think they faked it, still did their doping? I'm not saying the entire peloton is clean, but I personally think the mentality and culture truly has shifted. Dopers are cheaters, even in the peloton.

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Mr Tonka6063.50
      07-20-2017, 10:29 PM   #630
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Originally Posted by Stoo View Post
Yes but in the EPO days, they didn't have the technological advances that we do today.

Low rolling resistance tyres
Aero frames
Hidden brakes
Hidden cables
Aero helmets
Aero wheels
Tighter fitting jerseys/ski suits with aerodynamic materials
Power meters to aid with more effective training
I watched a documentary about power meter training a while back. I don't recall which racing series they looked at when collecting data over i think 13-15 years, though i believe it was a TT Worlds Championship. An interesting pattern emerged. Every year the record was broken but every other year the collected power data was lower than the prior. Then the next year when the record was broken, the power data was higher. The following year, the power data was lower. They deduced that coincided with the release of new tech, gear, wind tunnel testing, etc... Say 2005 the winning average power was 440w, then new tech hits the circuit and in 2006, the winning average power, (with lower elapsed time) was 418w. Then in 2007, the winning average watts were 457 and so the pattern continued throughout the years in which the collected and analyzed the data. Very interesting.

I still find it super interesting how two people riding side by side in the same conditions going the same speed can have substantially different power output. I ride next to a thin tall guy and he throws down an average of 332w over a strava segment while i have to average nearly 500w to maintain the same time as him. Kind of pisses me off, but then, i really don't want that speed bad enough to have his body type. lol

Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium View Post
Of course the technologie never stops , but if we look how much watt they can push in test centers ?
This has nothing to do with technologie , this power comes straight from the legs ...
And if you look closely at the legs above... that was not technologie , that was medical preparation called doping !
I rode years in the Belgian competition , I was not good enough to win but I drove with guys who later wore the yellow and green jersey in the Tour the France !
I saw enough things and know things ... And I can tell you that no one was ever clean in the TDF .
The TDF ....We are talking about 21 days my friend !
Those look like dehydrated legs to me.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      07-21-2017, 11:50 AM   #631

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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
I watched a documentary about power meter training a while back. I don't recall which racing series they looked at when collecting data over i think 13-15 years, though i believe it was a TT Worlds Championship. An interesting pattern emerged. Every year the record was broken but every other year the collected power data was lower than the prior. Then the next year when the record was broken, the power data was higher. The following year, the power data was lower. They deduced that coincided with the release of new tech, gear, wind tunnel testing, etc... Say 2005 the winning average power was 440w, then new tech hits the circuit and in 2006, the winning average power, (with lower elapsed time) was 418w. Then in 2007, the winning average watts were 457 and so the pattern continued throughout the years in which the collected and analyzed the data. Very interesting.

I still find it super interesting how two people riding side by side in the same conditions going the same speed can have substantially different power output. I ride next to a thin tall guy and he throws down an average of 332w over a strava segment while i have to average nearly 500w to maintain the same time as him. Kind of pisses me off, but then, i really don't want that speed bad enough to have his body type. lol

Those look like dehydrated legs to me.
500 watts, You are an animal.
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      07-21-2017, 12:41 PM   #632
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      07-21-2017, 12:47 PM   #633
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      07-21-2017, 01:26 PM   #634
///M Power-Belgium
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Originally Posted by wdb View Post

What do you think of this documentary? Do you think they faked it, still did their doping? I'm not saying the entire peloton is clean, but I personally think the mentality and culture truly has shifted. Dopers are cheaters, even in the peloton.

Are you serious ?
That joke is actually ridiculous..
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Last edited by ///M Power-Belgium; 07-21-2017 at 01:42 PM..
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      07-21-2017, 01:27 PM   #635
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Originally Posted by Chappers 71 View Post
Annual Canterbury naked bike ride
More chicks are required in the situation !
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      07-21-2017, 01:29 PM   #636
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Originally Posted by Chappers 71 View Post
One for all you Lycra fans
That bike must be reallyyyyy.... strong !
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      07-21-2017, 01:39 PM   #637
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post

Those look like dehydrated legs to me.
Honestly I was waiting for this..
I guess you didn't saw the marks (signs) from the injections on his leg ?
That's why I posted the pic in the first place on here..

Lance would say...I was right , of course he can know it too !
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      07-21-2017, 11:14 PM   #638
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Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium View Post
Honestly I was waiting for this..
I guess you didn't saw the marks (signs) from the injections on his leg ?
That's why I posted the pic in the first place on here..

Lance would say...I was right , of course he can know it too !
Kind of strange that all the UCI needs to do to catch dopers is to look for injection marks. I mean, all they need to do is check out rider's instagram pages or Facebook pics using filters to accentuate the contrast to make their veins pop out even more.

Nice of the Bora rider to post a pic with his bag with sponsor tag attached to it. That way, the UCI can just go directly to the doping team.

I'm not saying there aren't dopers in the TDF, but i highly doubt that all one needs to do is look for injection marks to find out who's doping.
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